National Boss/Employee Exchange Day : Ways to Bridge A Bond Between Bosses and Employees

UPlanIt Limited
4 min readSep 12, 2022


Credit: Photo by fauxels on Pexels

National Boss/Employee Exchange Day is celebrated every Monday after Labor Day. Last year, that was September 13. This year, National Boss/Employee Exchange Day will be on September 12.

What makes this day special is that it is the day when employees and bosses swap roles. It’s a chance to get to see how each other spends their day in the office. It’s a day that also gives everyone a valuable opportunity to experience how their organization actually works.

One key theme with every National Boss/Employee Exchange Day is that bonds between leadership and employees should improve. You cannot have a successful workplace without it. Your workplace must have the right synergy between the bosses and the staff.

So, for this National Boss/Employee Exchange Day article, we’ll discuss ways to bridge a bond between bosses and employees. We have some tips on this that you could find invaluable. Are you ready? Then read on for six ways to bridge a bond between bosses and employees.

Give Your Employees A Voice

Credit: Photo by Anna Earl on Unsplash

When people want to handle this, they think it should be something extra to make an impact. The truth is that a simple old-fashioned suggestion box will work just the same. You could also set up an email address or use a software solution for this.

The goal is to get feedback as management and look into the areas mentioned. The tackling of the issues raised could also be handled based on standing. The broadest issues could be done by executives, while departmental managers can handle more specific requests.

Answers and solutions should then be shared throughout the company. You could use an annual email, internal newsletter, or your office blog. Seeing their concerns attended to is a wonderful way to boost your employee’s confidence.

Town Hall Meetings

Credit: Photo by fauxels on Pexels

Meetings like these can help you implement organizational changes and discuss issues smoothly. They can also help you answer questions that employees might have on their minds. They are an important way to strengthen the boss/employee bond.

You should, however, be careful not to overdo it with these meetings. That could end up being disrupting and leave everyone feeling frustrated. However, just the right number of sessions can work wonders in your organization.

Some offices tackle this by hosting a retreat. If you canceled that because of the pandemic, it might be time to go back to it. They’ll also help bosses mix less formally with employees, answer questions in person, and improve bonds.

Socialisation Is Important

Credit: Photo by Yan Krukov on Pexels

Asking your employees to leave their personal problems at the door every morning never works. Human beings will always have their emotions and problems with them. You’ll only come off looking insensitive, and that leads to tension and a toxic workplace.

Although the pandemic impacted socialization, you can start to ease back into these. A sporting event or a departmental picnic outdoors could be wonderful for mingling. Bosses and staff can mingle, plan, and share personal details.

Occasional Visits

Credit: Photo by fauxels on Pexels

Bosses and managers should pay the occasional visit to the office where possible. Most people are working from home now, but in person, communication and meeting have their place in office life. It gives you and your staff a chance to talk candidly.

Your staff will also get a morale boost from seeing the boss visit. It shows them that all hands are on deck to move things forward, and they are not alone. You could also schedule formal meetings and make sure to show your interest in their departmental work.

Shadow An Employee For A Day

Credit: Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

This is another great bonding route besides the National Boss/Employee Exchange Day exchange. Have a program where the boss gets to shadow an employee at their job and have them explain what they really face as it happens.

For this, the boss will have to stay out of the way in general but occasionally ask questions and observe closely. Make sure to explain that it is not an evaluation but just an opportunity to better understand and help with improvements.

In Conclusion

National Boss/Employee Exchange Day is a wonderful opportunity for bosses and employees to exchange ideas. This can help improve bonds and increase productivity. Don’t forget to take pictures and share them with each other and on social media with the hashtag #Boss/EmployeeExchangeDay.

Till then, See you next week!

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